a. A servile and obligation-laden society is one that I will never condone nor be able to comfortably accept; that fact I have accepted.
b. Naming roadways after fruit is a universal mark of complete unoriginality, though, entertainingly enough, you may find new ones here and there due to climate difference. For instance, in Erie, PA, we have the likes of Peach and Cherry Streets. In this community alone, half a world away between Accra and Tema, I've strolled down Papaya, Orange, Strawberry, Cherry, and Raspberry Close/Lane/whathaveyou.
c. Lizards are easily frightened and, if startled into scuttling out of hiding, may surprise and frighten you, the passerby, as you just surprised and frightened it.
d. An unknown obroni woman walking down the streets of a suburban Ghanaian neighborhood in order to best appreciate the beautiful weather and colorful scenery will, in doing so, inevitably invite waves from fascinated children (some of whom will proceed to follow said female as she continues down the street, complete with enraptured smiles and excited waves, as though it were a parade), the occasional nod or word of friendly hello, and always a good number of stares... some less comfortable than others. Note to the starers, particularly the men (as you are the most guilty party): if you must stare, have the decency to verbalize something [ie "hello"] while you're at it; makes it less blatantly awkward.
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